Blazored - Libraries and Components designed for Microsoft's Blazor Framework

Blazored - Libraries and Components designed for Microsoft's Blazor Framework

1. Blazored Typeahead
2. Blazored Modal
3. Blazored Local Storage
4. Blazored Toast
5. Blazored Menu
6. Blazored FluentValidation

In this article we will learn how to use Blazored Toast in Blazor Project. In similar way we can use all libraries in Blazor Server Application.

1Install-Package Blazored.Toast

2. Include the following CSS  file in 
<link href="_content/Blazored.Toast/blazored-toast.css" rel="stylesheet" />

3. Add the following using statement to your main 
@using Blazored.Toast
@using Blazored.Toast.Services

4Add the following line to your applications Startup.ConfigureServices method:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

5Add the <BlazoredToasts /> tag into your applications MainLayout.razor.
@using Blazored.Toast.Configuration
<BlazoredToasts Position="ToastPosition.BottomRight"
SuccessIconClass="fa fa-thumbs-up"
ErrorIconClass="fa fa-bug" />

6In order to show a toast you have to inject the IToastService into the component or service you want to trigger a toast. 
@page "/toastdemo"
@inject IToastService toastService
Toast Demo
To show a toast just click one of the buttons below.
<button class="btn btn-info" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowInfo("I'm an INFO message"))">Info Toast</button>
<button class="btn btn-success" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowSuccess("I'm a SUCCESS message with a custom title", "Congratulations!"))">Success Toast</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowWarning("I'm a WARNING message"))">Warning Toast</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowError("I'm an ERROR message"))">Error Toast</button>

For more details please visit:

How to use Toast Notification in Blazor | Blazored Toast:

How to use Modal Popup in Balzor | Blazored Modal:

How to use Blazored Menu in Blazor | Blazored Menu:

LocalStorage in Blazor | Blazored LocalStorage:

AutoComplete in Blazor | Blazored Typeahead:

How to use Fluent Validation in Blazor | Blazored FluentValidation:

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